How to choose the right server-side tracking provider

What do you need to consider when choosing your server-side tracking provider to avoid surprises? Find answers in our buyer’s checklist.

Tracking has become an essential part of the technical infrastructure for data-driven companies and those that prioritize privacy and customer trust. 

That makes it all the more important to properly evaluate server-side tracking vendors from the start – yes, we’re not exempting ourselves. 

Evaluating server-side tracking providers

What functionalities and characteristics must be present in a server-side tracking product to increase data quality or ensure good data protection?

What criteria must be met to ensure smooth integration into your tech stack? 

We have compiled a checklist to quickly help you make the right decision when it comes to server-side tracking. 

SST Check List

Learn more


Retail Media: The Rise of First-Party Data

In a world where third-party data is losing its grip, retail media offers brands a powerful alternative—delivering hyper-targeted ads exactly where purchase decisions are made. As privacy rules tighten, knowing how to tap into first-party data could be the key to staying ahead.

Meet us!

JENTIS at GrowthLoop

Talk: Redefining Data Quality and Control in a Privacy-First World


How Server-Side Tracking helped Zühlke achieve Data Excellence

Advance Metrics implemented server-side tracking and also enabled seamless integration with Microsoft Dynamics and other platforms to improve the efficiency of marketing automation and data analysis.