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More Information


Google will not deprecate Third-Party Cookies: What it means for Digital Marketers

Google will continue to support third-party cookies indefinitely. But lessons learned from Apple’s App Tracking Transparency suggest that asking users for consent could still spell the end for the technology.


Google's First-Party Mode vs. Server-Side Tracking: A Comparison

Google introduces the first-party mode to enhance data security and privacy controls.


Google postpones the Third-Party Cookie Deadline, again

Google has once again postponed the end of 3rd party cookies. This presents both opportunities and an urgent call to action for marketers.

Control over your data collection

First Party-Data quality and Compliance

Our solution is the most advanced and compliant server-side tracking on the market. If you would like to learn more about JENTIS to improve your online marketing, analytics and compliance with server-side tracking, please click the button below to book an appointment with our Technology Consultant.