What is the difference between JENTIS DCP and Google Tag Manager?

If you want to use Google Analytics 4 on the server side, you are faced with the decision: Google Tag Manager or JENTIS Data Capture Platform.

If you are in the process of making sense of Google Analytics 4 – you are not alone, we feel for you. But while some things have changed in the operation of the tool, one essential component remains the same in the basic version of GA4: It relies on client-side tracking. 

For GA4, this means that the user numbers in the reports are not to be trusted, especially the numbers of new users. This is because ad blockers and tracking prevention prevent client-side tracking. Returning users are not recognised and are falsely counted as “new” users. The user figures are thus strongly falsified. On the basis of this data, no realistic analyses are possible, let alone the mapping of customer journeys.

Switching to server-side tracking: JENTIS vs Google Tag Manager

As a solution to this problem, server-side tracking is on its way to becoming the new standard for data collection on the web. Google has developed an in-house solution with the Server-Side Google Tag Manager.

On the other hand, the JENTIS Data Capture Platform offers independent server-side tracking as a managed service. What is the difference between the two tools?

Download our fact sheet for a quick comparison of the most critical factors and a low-threshold introduction to server-side tracking vs client-side tracking.

Google Tag Manager vs. JENTIS DCP
Info Sheet: JENTIS DCP vs. Server-side Google Tag Manager

Learn more


Case Study: Google Analytics 4 with 100% Server-side Tracking

Learn how hosting provider World4You captures the maximum data quality for Google Analytics 4 with the JENTIS DCP.


JENTIS – The most advanced server-side tracking

Increase data quality in all your tools and applications with the most advanced and powerful server-side tracking technology on the market.

Whitepaper: Advanced Server-Side Tracking with a Data Capture Platform

White paper: How to achieve maximum data quality for your marketing with server-side tracking while remaining privacy-compliant.