Nudging, Dark Patterns and other problems: How to design a Consent Banner

In this webinar, Carolyn Loy goes over the 5 most common mistakes with Consent Banners and gives a practical demonstration of how to design legally valid banners for websites and apps.

In the absence of concrete legal requirements, the question of how to design a consent banner arises over and over again. Various guides and the German orientation guide for telemedia providers offer assistance. But what does this mean in practice?

As a participant in EDSA’s Cookie Banner Task Force, BayLDA has been working intensively on these issues. Carolyn Loy addresses the 5 most common mistakes and shows practically how to design legally valid banners for websites and apps.

This talk was recorded during the event “Heroes of Data & Privacy” 2023.

About Carolyn Loy (Government Councillor, Bavarian State Office for Data Protection Supervision)

Carolin Loy is originally a lawyer and after her 2nd state examination she dealt with civil law and as an assessor with insolvency law. Since April 2020, Ms. Loy has been a member of the Bavarian State Office for Data Protection Supervision (Bayerisches Landesamt für Datenschutzaufsicht), where she is responsible as Deputy Head of Department for the area of “Internet, Telemedia and Apps”. As of September 2022, she is also Head of Staff Unit for European Cooperation.

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