JENTIS Pseudonymisation: Server-side Tracking with optimal Data Protection

The JENTIS Data Capture Platform provides secure and powerful pseudonymisation to help you comply with data protection rules quickly and easily.

The JENTIS Data Capture Platform with its sophisticated server-side tracking offers the possibility to pseudonymise data streams to your analytics and marketing tools. You can select which of your tools receive pseudonymised data.

This enables customised data processing that meets both your company’s requirements and data protection regulations. This precise control allows you to optimise your data management while ensuring the highest level of data protection.

Pseudonymisation has become an essential instrument of data protection in the context of the GDPR. Through pseudonymisation, JENTIS enables website operators to be on legally safe ground without being exposed to the legal uncertainties of international data transfers, but still being able to use and interpret data themselves.

What is pseudonymisation?

Pseudonymisation involves replacing personal IDs within data sets with artificial IDs or pseudonyms. This method makes it extremely difficult to trace the data back to specific individuals, which significantly reduces the risk associated with data breaches or misuse.

Pseudonymous IDs are randomly generated, making it extremely challenging to re-identify individuals without a special key. This key is kept separately to ensure that the data remains anonymous during processing.

This means that while you, as a JENTIS customer, can attribute the collected data to a person, the providers of your analytics and marketing tools to whom you forward the data cannot. User privacy is protected and you can continue to use many of your existing tools, for example Google Analytics 4, as usual.

Pseudonymised data and DSGVO compliance

Pseudonymised data are considered personal data and thus fall within the scope of the GDPR, but are protected from misuse.  This makes pseudonymisation an invaluable tool for companies that want to analyse and process data without breaching data protection regulations.

Advantages of pseudonymisation in conjunction with server-side tracking

The implementation of pseudonymisation in server-side tracking offers several advantages.

  • First, it provides better data protection and reduces the risk of data breaches.
  • Secondly, it allows companies to use valuable customer insights without violating data protection laws.
  • Thirdly, it promotes customer trust and strengthens your brand’s commitment to data protection.

Pseudonymisation vs. anonymisation

Anonymisation changes data in such a way that it can no longer be reasonably attributed to a specific or identifiable natural person. This is the essential difference to pseudonymisation, which still allows traceability to a specific person with the correct key.

However, complete anonymisation minimises usability and complete anonymisation is difficult to perform for complex databases. By analogy, a letter that is blackened throughout is anonymised but still unusable.

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