Consent-Based Marketing

Aren't marketing and data protection two different sets of interests? At first glance they are, but in the long term the responsible handling of data is an important factor in gaining the trust of customers.

In marketing, the GDPR has evolved from a mere regulation to be complied with to an important strategy driver. “Consent-based marketing” – that sounds unusual at first: aren’t marketing and data protection two different interest groups? At first glance, yes, but in the long term, responsible data handling is an important factor in gaining customer trust – and thus the driving force for growth and market differentiation.

In this presentation, we want to take a closer look at the customer-centric approach for marketing teams and show how it can be implemented in practice. What needs to be considered, where are the stumbling blocks? We will offer solutions for these and other questions around the topic of “Consent Management” in marketing.

This talk was recorded during the “Heroes of Data & Privacy” event in May 2023.


Eda Ertuğrul Account Executive, OneTrust.

Eda Ertuğrul is an outstanding expert in the field of data protection, IT security and preference management. As Account Executive for the DACH region at OneTrust, she supports companies in introducing effective software solutions and implementing automation to meet the ever-increasing data protection and security requirements.

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