Datensouveränität in der Automobil-Branche

Cars are private spaces – and a rapidly growing source of personal and other data. Who owns this data? And how is it used?

In the automotive industry, various trends and strategies concerning data handling can currently be observed. In this presentation, you will learn of the most common use cases for vehicle data, how the Security Act can be interpreted in this regard, and why the Austrian automobile association ÖAMTC calls for a sector-specific regulation in the Data Act. The relevant options for data exchange currently available on the market will also be demonstrated.

Die Präsentation wurde live während der Veranstaltung “Heroes of Data & Privacy” aufgezeichnet.

Our speaker

Mag.a Susanne Tischmann has been working as CTO at ÖAMTC (Austrian Automobile and Touring Club) since mid-2017. Before that, she had been the head of the Emergency Aid and Information Service since 2000, which also included IT responsibility for the emergency aid of the largest mobility club. She studied business informatics at TU Wien, and her thesis focused on virtual reality, which was not yet a reality outside of a few laboratories at the beginning of the 2000s. In the field of emergency aid, the topic of statistics and data analysis was a passion she enjoyed developing and promoting. Currently Susanne and her colleagues are working on the implementation of a newly developed data strategy and data governance.


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