X (former twitter)

The Twitter pixel, in conjunction with JENTIS, allows for seamless server-side utilization to capture precise tracking data and maximize the full potential of your Twitter Ads campaigns.

X is one of the key social media platforms, offering businesses an excellent opportunity to reach their target audience. However, how can you ensure that your X-Ads are privacy-compliant while delivering accurate conversion data? This is where the X-pixel, in conjunction with JENTIS, comes into play.


X-Pixel – Server-Side Conversion Tracking for privacy-compliant X-Ads

With the X-Pixel and JENTIS, you can unlock the full potential of your X-Ads while meeting the privacy requirements of the GDPR. By implementing server-side tracking, JENTIS enables precise and reliable collection of conversion data without exposing sensitive information on the customer’s frontend.

Why should you choose server-side conversion tracking with the X-Pixel and JENTIS? Here are some benefits:

  • Privacy and Security: All data-related processes take place on EU-hosted servers, ensuring that sensitive information is protected and not shared with third parties.
  • Website Performance Optimization: By offloading data-intensive processing steps to the server, you alleviate the resources of user devices, resulting in a faster and smoother website experience for your visitors.
  • Full Control over Your Data: With JENTIS, you can ensure that personally identifiable information is pseudonymized before being transmitted to X, preserving user anonymity. This helps you maintain privacy compliance and enhance the trust of your target audience.

Optimize your X-Ads and achieve success with JENTIS and the X-Pixel.

Harness the benefits of server-side conversion tracking while remaining privacy-compliant. Start today and reach your goals with accurate and reliable conversion data from X.




JENTIS Onboarding

How to get started - interview with our client success manager Alex


Privacy Compliant Tracking with JENTIS

Take complete control of your web data with server-side tracking from JENTIS and easily comply with GDPR and other data protection regulations.

Synthetic Users: Capture complete and accurate Data for Performance Marketing – even without Consent

The new, revolutionary technology from JENTIS makes it possible to collect all data lost through negative consent in a DSGVO- and ePrivacy-compliant manner.