
Optimize your Outbrain advertising campaigns with JENTIS' server-side tracking and maximize your advertising success through precise conversion data and improved performance.

Your Benefits at a Glance

Discover the advantages of server-side Outbrain implementation with JENTIS. Learn how you can enhance data security, optimize website performance, and collect privacy-compliant user data.

Google Analytics 4 datenschutzkonform

Data Privacy Compliance

With our Twin-Server technology, we ensure the pseudonymous transmission of personal data to Google and other third party tools.

Performance Optimierung durch Server-Side Tracking

Performance Optimization

By offloading data-intensive processing steps to the JENTIS server, we achieve significantly improved website performance.

Bessere Customer Journeys

Extended Customer Journeys

Companies transitioning to server-side tracking with JENTIS can extend their customer journeys by up to 50%.

Minimierung von Datenverlusten

Minimization of Data Loss

JENTIS’ server-side tracking minimizes the risk of data loss due to ad blockers and tracking prevention measures.

Outbrain server-side

Outbrain Server-Side Overview with JENTIS

With JENTIS’ Data Capture Platform, you can implement Outbrain server-side in no time – and in compliance with regulations. So, what are you waiting for? Here are the key details at a glance:

Setup Privacy Features Data Uplift Add-Ons
3 minutes – Assisted Pseudonymization of
personal data
Corrected conversion measurement Synthetic users,
ID pooling

Get Started Now!

Boost your advertising success with Outbrain and JENTIS. Utilize server-side tracking to capture accurate conversion data, optimize your website’s performance, and ensure compliance with data privacy regulations. Start today and achieve your goals with Outbrain and JENTIS.

Contact us!

More than 100 connectors

Google Ads
Google Ads
Bing Ads

You need even more connectors? No problem: Click here for the list of all our tool connectors.



Case Study: Google Analytics 4 with 100% Server-side Tracking

Learn how hosting provider World4You captures the maximum data quality for Google Analytics 4 with the JENTIS DCP.

Synthetic Users: Capture complete and accurate Data for Performance Marketing – even without Consent

The new, revolutionary technology from JENTIS makes it possible to collect all data lost through negative consent in a DSGVO- and ePrivacy-compliant manner.


Server-side Data Enrichment

Add insightful information to your collected website data for more detailed analyses and better decision-making.